I quit my mainstream job and embarked on a journey in pursuit of happiness. Motorcycle diaries mostly comprises of the journey i've undertaken, while also including few random thoughts and opinions. I'd love to hear your thoughts/views/comments/suggestions.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
World Cup 2010: Mark your calendars! | ESPNSTAR.com
The draws have been finalised in a simple ceremony hosted by the lovely Charlize Theron!!
Every World Cup has a Group of Death where the unpredictble happens. and this year the coveted group is headed by only team to have played every single World Cup since inception- Brazil. My pick is definitely the African country captained by the dashing Chelsea Centre Forward Didier Drogba. his Chelsea mate Kalao adds flair to the team.
I believe the couple will overshadow Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo and Brazil's Kaka. The Real madrid duo will have a lot of work to do if they have to over come an in-form Ivory Coast or the virtually unknown Korea DPR who will return to the world stage after 40 long years.
Personally my fav team is once again France, who was the last team to qualify amidst controversy; Henry's fate is unclear after he infamously admitted the Hand of God Ball. They have been clubbed along with the hosts (the surprise package), while the daangerous Mexico is also in the same group.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Delicious Dinner in 30 mins....
Yup..finished cooking my dinner in flat 30 mins with a single burner stove.
Menu- Egg Curry and Rice
Time starts now....
take half cup of rice, wash and close the pressure cooker.rice is ready (10 mins)
While the rice is boiling chop onions,tomatoes and green chillies in a linear pattern. (5 mins). Replace the cooker with a kadai and saute onions to get rid of the rawness (3 mins)..keep the kadai aside and replace it with a vessel for boiling the eggs (2 nos.).
crush the onions and tomatoes in a mixer. by the time the eggs get boiled, u can wash the mixer jar.
After boiling the eggs (10 mins), heat some oil in the kadai, add jeera, salt,ginger garlic paste, coriander powder, green chillies and the mixture of onions and tomatoes. close & cook for 5 mins.
Finally peel the egg shell off and add them into the gravy. the eggs can be cut into pieces of desired size and cooked for another 3 mins..
Bingo!!! Dinner is ready..
Believe me it does taste gud! :-)
Enchanting Vizag

Last week i had my chance to visit vizag,which was the largest district in india before independence. What took me ther? A couple of projects on the top of the hill in rushikonda.
I must admit that I wasnt aware what was in store for me. Vizag in short is in my opinion one of the most unsung tourist spots in the country. The beautiful city which runs along the bay of bengal coast boasts of an enchanting topography wher the lush green cliffs have a permanent date with the beautiful beaches. Its more in line with Varkala, a small town in kerala frequented by foreign tourists. Right from the moment i stepped out of the airport the people seemed to be very amiable and the city felt very safe indeed. RK beach which lies at the epicentre of the city has been developed on the lines of Hussain Sagar in hyderabad, although its a lot more clean and articulated.
One of the most astounding features of this strech is the display of the remains of the submarine that was bombeb by pakistan durimg the 1974 war. Currently its been housed as a museum.
I was very lucky to find lodging right in front of the beach, breathtaking seaview. Its saad that civilians arent allowed to visit the naval base here, which is the headquarters for the eastern naval coast. I just cant wait to go back to this beautiful city.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Chennai in June- Hot
Chennai in July- Hotter
Chennai in August- Hottest
Chennai in November- Monsoons……………….
the rains hav finally graced the city. the monsoons hav failed to keep their annual appointment, but as they are here their arrival has been nothing short of splendor……
not many things can be more enchanting than sipping a hot coffee watching the early morning rains from your balcony.
I consider myself thoroughly lucky for being able to experience this every single morning during the past few days…………….
Friday, October 23, 2009
Its a Mad Mad Mad Week

Scene I
Location: My apt at Ayanambakkam, Chennai
Date: 11/10/2009
My parents arrive on their way to hyd (train at 4.30pm tht evening), which assures a gud culinary treat for me for atleast coupla days.
As expected home made idlis (made the previous evening) for breakfast. The remaining ones take the form of Upma for my dinner. Menu for lunch- Beans thoran (fried with grated coconut), eruli (a gravy made with fried grated coconut), potato fry and pappadam. the former 2 items were prepared keeping in mind my food for the next day too. I dropped my parents at the station at 4.00 pm and went to my frendz place in royapettah. reached home at arnd 10pm. too drained out, i skipped dinner and hit the bed rightaway.
The next morning I got up with the usual monday blues and had to rush to work after a quick bath and no breakfast.
Scene II
Location: My Office at Annanagar
The first coupla hours pass as programmed- phone calls, emails n the usual chores. At 40 past 11 i get a call from a client calling me for an urgent meeting at bhubaneshwar. guess wat, theres no direct flight to bhubaneswar; i usually go via hyderabad. the only flight from hyd to bbsr is at 5:20 pm everyday. tht rules out the option. decided to go via kolkata (6:30 flight to bbsr). departure time for kolkata is 2:20 pm. i get my tickets at 12:13. luckily i got to work in my bullet instead of my jeep.
rode like a man possessed, only to find roads blocked abt a km from my place due to roadwork.thro this mad rush, i was on the phone trying to navigate the cabbie who had no clue wer i was residing.after few impatient minutes i decided to go over the rubble , gravel and the virgin tar..managed to reach home at 1:04 pm. dumped some clothes into my suitcase, while desperately trying to direct the cabbie to my apt. just as i locked my house the taxi arrived at the gate...guess wat?? he's asking me for the way to the airport...already past the boiling point, i tried to remain as calm as possible n explained to him the route. he has exactly 35 mins to reach the airport (usually takes arnd an hour and 10 mins from my place). the 100ft road was clogged with the lunch time traffic and our man was honking non-stop to beat the next guy. "cyle gapla car poguma"? i hav no respect for the yellow board vehicles who are definitely the most despised ppl of the road (atleast in chennai). but at this point my situation overruled me (hypocrisy?).
Was travelling well ahead of time until i came to a screaching halt at the end of the new flyover in front of le meridian. a pot-bellied cop clears the road for some idiotic VIP, who has no respect for the common man's time. the tension increases by the minute and was accompanied by the blarring horns (hulla bulla)! the time is 1:55..being the over optimist, i ask the driver to prepare the bill since we wer doing nothing but waiting for the road to be cleared. paid the guy and sat back, hoping to somehow catch the big bird.finally after all the drama i reached the airport at 2:04 pm. the cute girl at the boarding counter on seeing me helped me rush thro the security check, wher they had already annunced the last boadring call..i cud infact see another couple trying to cathc the same flight (i had company).. alas enetered the cabin inviting a lot of frowns (or was it guilt?)....the journey from kolkata to bbsr was less eventful apart from the glitch at at the security check, wer i had forgotten the security tag for my laptop bag..reached bbsr at 7:45pm to a very pleasant weather.the drama will continue!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
camaan catch the enjaaiment............

Wat a long wait..finally got to watch "The Motocycle Diaries".
Just loved it. For those who havent watched it yet, here's a gist of the storyline.
A biochemist and a medical student from Argentina set off to a road trip on a Classic Norton (leaky though ;-))motorcycle around South America. The student here is none other than the greatest revolutionery of the contemporary era- Ernesto 'Che' Guevera..
The movie portrays the metamorphosis of 'Che' from a calm next door guy to a thinking revolutionary. they travel from Argentina to Chile to Columbia bumping into the sad state of the natives, which affects 'Che' in a strong manner. the last scene were he swims across the river on his bday gives u goosebumps right through the episode...

the scenes are naked with mother nature at its best...lush green mountains to dense valleys to placid lakes to the wild river- enchanting beauty
how can i forget the beautiful ladies!!
throughout the movie i was reminded of the wonderful memories of my road trips..the only diff here- my royal enfield (better condition for sure ;-)) was replaced by the Norton..
A must watch for bike lovers, nature lovers and the rebels. a strict No if u are into only sci-fi movies.
the journey will continue................
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Review on Nokia E71 - u can watch cricket too..;-)

Well, ive just gifted myself a Nokia E71 (black).; thought i shd share my week old experience with ppl.
Rationale behind selecting E71:
Had been looking for a handy business phone with a few fun elements.
Shortlisted handsets:
Blackberry Bold (have always had a fancy for blackberry handsets)
Blackberry Curve
Nokia E75 (temtpting ads)
Nokia E71
BB Bold, i think is the complete handset although my boss has had battery problems with it off late. Plus i the price i think is a tad too xpensive for a phone.
Blackberry Curve lost on virtue of not having '3G' in it. too bad..
by the time i hit the store the choice was between Nokia E75 and E71 (my last choice initially). the first glimpse of E75 made my decision very simple. The finish of the phone was horrible and sliding the phone for landscape mode wasnt great. Finally got my hands on a black E71.
Review on E71:
I must say that ive been hooked on to it ever since i got my E71. very handy and sleek.
for someone who has migrated from N73, the querty keypad has been a revelation.quite a lot of features in the E71. infact the store guy activated the GPS (60-days free) while buying. happy to have an editable quickoffice (had a non-editable version on my N73).
got the phone synched to my old data and set the ball rolling....
configured 3 of my mail accounts (1 official). guess wat adding gmail and hotmail was as simple as just feedind my mail id and password..
one of the handy features is the Multiscanner, which can save business cards into your contacts with a single click of the visiting card. Expense is a good tool to track your spending pattern. for the mass u can watch your favourite cricket clippings in you tube at excellent video quality too (Real Player).
-Camera not good enough (although it has a 3.2 megapixel camera)
-Music sound quality is average
-not many shortcuts as in my N73 (or probably i havent figured them out yet)
-battery is ok
-mail content (html) not as good as a blackberry
-Xcellent design n killer looks
-Loaded with features which will be frequently used
-good mail client;easy to configure (especially for gmail/hotmail/yahoo)
-Nokia Maps and GPS (free 60 day license)
-Value for money
Some may wonder y i havent given a thought to Apple iPhone. have always believed that touch phones are for the fairer sex.plus don't have much time to spend on the zillion number of applications.
It has been a very satisfying experience using the Nokia E71. what more can ask for in a business phone costing jus 19K?
Any tips/suggestions/queries on E71 are most welcome..
P:S- this is my first blog using my E71...:-)
Global Warming

Que: Howz the weather during October?
Ans: HOT
Que: Howz the weather during Feb?
Que: Howz the weather during June?
Are we talking about the Sahara desert? nope, its Chennai for u....
Isn't it supposed to be raining during the month of June?
Theoritically yes but...
Is there an explanation for the weather change? Are people being punished for getting too greedy. What i mean here is that we've been too inclined materialistically leading to the now universally accepted phenomenon Global Warming. the term sounds cool rite??
did we expect it to create such a quick change in the micro climate?? hell no...
would we take it seriously atleast now. no wayyyyyyyy
we're probably creating a wider market for Air Conditioners (i can see Mr. Lee Hyong Koo grinning)
I'm looking to go bak to some village and i can already see tht a lot more ppl are willing to give me company.