Que: Howz the weather during October?
Ans: HOT
Que: Howz the weather during Feb?
Que: Howz the weather during June?
Are we talking about the Sahara desert? nope, its Chennai for u....
Isn't it supposed to be raining during the month of June?
Theoritically yes but...
Is there an explanation for the weather change? Are people being punished for getting too greedy. What i mean here is that we've been too inclined materialistically leading to the now universally accepted phenomenon Global Warming. the term sounds cool rite??
did we expect it to create such a quick change in the micro climate?? hell no...
would we take it seriously atleast now. no wayyyyyyyy
we're probably creating a wider market for Air Conditioners (i can see Mr. Lee Hyong Koo grinning)
I'm looking to go bak to some village and i can already see tht a lot more ppl are willing to give me company.
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