Imagine a life not worrying about time, no boss to answer to, no schedules to meet, no phones to answer, no targets to meet, no EMIs or credit card bills to worry about.
You can do all what you want...visit your friends whose marriages u missed, visit your cousins, catch up on movies, catch up on reading, most importantly- Wake up late in the morning and sleep until ur content...
Isnt that we call Utopia??
Finally the decision has been made...
If you had noticed, I started this blog named 'Motorcycle Diaries' 3 years ago, hoping that one day I could emulate 'Che's journey (ofcourse not the political side). The Time is NOW...
Come this December you'd find me doing all the above...;-)
Ive planned to hop on my Royal Enfield travelling through the vast stretches of the countryfrom South to West to North and East on an unplanned trip, with only the direction in sight.
With no paticular agenda, ive decided to just keep riding and stop at friends & to-be friends places wherever possible..not sure if it would be possible to pitch tents in remote villages/forests (not keen on getting harrased by the cops).
The whole idea sounds exciting and honestly i really dunno what to expect.
If you are planning to go on a ride during the same time, Id love youto join me in any of the legs of the tour.
Pls drop in your contacts, ill get in touch asap.
Others are most welcome to chip in with your ideas/advice/experience/thoughts on the unplanned journey!
इस साल नहीं अगले साल है अपना कार्यक्रम तो।