Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Osama's public appearance

Recently a number of television channels flashed videos of Osama's public appearance. In the wake of America doubling the reward on Osama's head, was this a public stunt to confirm that Osama was still alive????
Considering the fact that, all those videos had been on air quite sometime back does springup doubts about how relevant these videos clippings are at this moment. There are a few interesting questions that come to our minds;

1) Is Osama still alive, if 'yes' why has Al-Zawahiri been the face of Al Queda for a long time now??
2) Does it really matter to the terrorist outfit, if Osama is alive or dead??
3) How significant is it to the American budget?? I guess, very much..:)- ...

1 comment:

  1. well...i feel the whole importance being given to somebody being alive or not...right from saddam, to osama to prabhakaran...totally misplaces the objective behind the initial propoganda...that is to tell the world about the negative impact their thoughts & actions caused....in fact such reports turn then into a celeberity instead...defeating the very purpose it was intended for....i think its high time the media became responsible in unknowingly promoting such ppl...
